Suzanne’s Legacy

Heading for Change seeks to continue Suzanne Biegel’s legacy, leveraging her unique network, insights, and generosity of social and economic capital to equip the next generation of gender- and climate-smart investors.

A Pioneer in the Field

Suzanne Biegel speaking at a podium at the Gender Smart Investing Summit

A pioneer and respected thought leader in the gender-smart investing field, Suzanne Biegel dedicated her life and career to making finance more inclusive, impactful, and effective.

As co-founder of GenderSmart (now 2X Global), Suzanne played an instrumental role in connecting gender-smart investors across the capital spectrum into a cohesive field, as well as producing vital thought leadership and case studies on the intersection of gender and climate, JEDI, and the care economy. 

Through her consultancy Catalyst At Large, she worked with BII, UBS, IDB Invest, Wharton Social Impact Initiative (now Wharton ESG initiative), the US DFC, Tara Health Foundation, Linked Foundation, Intentional Endowments Network, and many others, influencing hundreds of funds and institutional investors, and billions of dollars of capital to move in a way that is more "gender-smart.”

Both climate and gender were at the heart of Suzanne’s portfolio. Through GenderSmart’s gender and climate investment working group in particular, she spearheaded groundbreaking work and research on how these two lenses could be combined to achieve greater impact on both climate mitigation and adaptation and gender equality. 

In the summer of 2021, Suzanne was diagnosed with stage four metastatic lung cancer. As she considered the legacy she wanted to leave, Suzanne and her husband Daniel Maskit made the decision to establish a donor-advised fund to make investments and grants that would advance both climate and biodiversity solutions and gender equity. Heading for Change is the fruit of that vision, nurtured carefully by Suzanne until her passing in September 2023.

Suzanne Biegel speaking about Climate and Gender

Heading for Change puts together all the insights gained through Suzanne’s investment career into practice on a larger scale.

Our legacy portfolio is dedicated to catalytic investments that will help build the investment vehicles, businesses, and institutions the world needs to battle the climate crisis and build a more just and gender equitable world. 

Suzanne’s magic was bringing not just financial capital to investments, but building the ecosystem around investors and entrepreneurs to catalyze the right combination of contacts, connections, and resources necessary to support innovation and enable pioneering ideas to succeed. This is why the Donor-Partner community is central to Heading for Change’s mission, as is a fully open source and transparent investment journey, as we build a demonstration portfolio that others can learn from.

Suzanne’s Impact

  • "Suzanne stimulated, nurtured and supported a global force of allies. Among these allies, she sparked relationships that have led to meaningful partnerships, tangible collaboration, and lasting friendships. Advancing the arc of catalytic community building is an art; and Suzanne was a master artist."

    Laurie Spengler

  • "It's beyond me to know what math or data crunching we would need to do to understand how many women and girls Suzanne’s work has directly impacted. You were the sharpest brain, the kindest soul, a one of a kind trailblazer. A true catalyst."

    Stella McKenna

  • "Suzanne’s independent mind challenged everyone who wanted to play it safe. She made the impossible become real and doable by developing ambitious visions and powerful coalitions. I was always impressed by Suzanne’s ability to poke constructive holes in areas that were more show than action. Her analytical mind and ability to persuade and to make the world more equal were unique."

    Henriette Kolb

  • "It was a huge privilege and a true inspiration to work with Suzanne over the years! I was so inspired by her positive energy, her perseverance and incredible drive. I’m sure the fund will inspire so many people around the world, from aspiring angels writing their first small cheque to large institutional investors who get to experience what is possible at the gender and climate nexus."

    Jessica Espinoza

  • "In 2010 Suzanne’s wisdom first launched then guided me on my path, to put my money to work for good, and to make me proud. I love you and your words; they inspired and resonated for so many."

    Lisa Renstrom

  • "Built on a longstanding partnership and thanks to the unyielding efforts of trailblazers like Suzanne, 2X Global is poised to be a stronger organization that is both a field builder and a market mover, unlocking significantly more capital, more strategically, with a focus on equity, opportunity, and sustainability, all powered by inclusive and gender-smart systems of finance. Suzanne’s expertise, leadership and passion for gender equality were instrumental in advancing the organisation’s mission. Suzanne inspired investors worldwide to action – moving more money, at scale, with a gender lens."

    2X Global Board

Of a Shared and Common Wealth

by Luisamaria Ruiz Carlile, a friend of Suzanne’s and fellow gender lens investor.

The right Lens
Clears vision so Capital
Towards Justice.
For Equity, and
The Diverse and Included.
As we Race
To erase
Leaving no trace
Of Inequity (a disgrace).
Seeking a place
To show case
Inclusion and Grace
For the Human Race
Awakening to see
That it's you and it's me
Prophets of a New Profit
Calling on the alchemy
Of Capital infused with Purpose.
Catalyzing Returns on Equity and
Conjuring Assets from allocations of
Restoring the Planet to Health.
Until at last, we are Holders

Of a Shared and Common Wealth.